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Real Lived Experience Blind Spot

Ultimately, such technology created a more meaningful, human-enabling, -connecting and -fulfilling form of artificial intelligence? One we call, Experiential Cognition®?

The prevailing taken-for-granted model of experience and mind used in the West – namely the analytical, computational or information-processing worldview - is increasingly blind to actual and whole real experience, especially of chronic health and other conditions.

Developing over the last 100 years or so and becoming even more embedded with the advent of Gen AI, its methods of observation, analysis, measurement and representation see only symptoms and parts of experience. 

In their abstraction, reduction and fragmentation of experiences, they neglect their meanings and qualities, and fail to see, know and address questions of their origin and persistence over time.

There is then - as we and others are saying - a real experience gap… or blind spot.

It is perhaps no coincidence that over the same period, the incidence of chronic physical and health conditions has risen greatly, as well as non-health conditions such as isolation, burnout, and now climate-change-related suffering.

Increasingly too, people are struggling with more than one condition, representing an existential challenge to current models of knowing experience and related practice.

We reveal the blind spot

So, put simply, Ooex reveals the real lived experience blind spot.

Doing so creates powerful new enterprise and end-user capacities - a dynamic capability we call Experiential Cognition.

Because with a greater power to see, know and respond to real human experiences, the world could be a very different - and better - place.

We would better understand our own experiences of chronic conditions and circumstances, and how and why they change.

We would be better at sharing and explaining our meaningful experiences with others, including professionals.

They can then better understand, empathise and help to improve our experiences and address their formative conditions.

And we could all better envision, design and evaluate offerings and interventions that have greater impact - for a variety of purposes.

That’s why we say it’s time to Get Real Experience and why our simple mission is to ...

Liberate Stuck Lives. 

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